Friday, July 15, 2016

10 Love Quotes By Mother Teresa to Start off Your Week- Amidst Conflict, Love is the Solution.

The power of love is highly being underestimated across various nations of the world, no wonder crises of various magnitudes and descriptions never cease to spare anyone one way or the other. We struggle tirelessly daily to solve problems to no avail because we ignore the most important factor- LOVE

There is so much going on in the world today; so much hurts, tears and sadness. This world is ours, it is up to you and me to make it a better place for us. We all have our roles to play, no matter how little it may look. You may never know how wide just a little affection from you can spread, affecting peoples' lives positively unless you try. 

Here are some quotes from Mother Teresa. I pray they touch your lives to spread love like a wide fire.


  1. Thanks for this piece. There is so much hate in the world that the virtue of love is quickly eroding. People interpret love by what they can get, but that's wrong.True love is measured in giving it may not be money,but being selfless. I choose to Love

    1. I totally agree with you Ebuka true love is selfless. Its even worse when the acts of love only exist only in the words of our mouths whereas our hearts are a long distance away.. I choose to love sincerely
